Monday, March 3, 2014

Hanson Made Us Like The Jonas Brothers

June - August 2009

Hanson's definition of "soon" is very different than the general public's definition of "soon". They had pushed off releasing the dates for the Use Your Sole Tour for three months. After the second failed tour date release day, I had had enough. I had a bad day at work and needed a concert STAT. I had been a closet Jonas Brothers Fan for about a year at this point and what do you know, that summer they just happened to have a tour date in Minneapolis. I begged Beth to go with me and much like my first Hanson concert, I bought Beth her ticket and we sat up in the nosebleeds of the Target Center.

We should have known better. When it comes to Beth and I and bands it is all or nothing. Needless to say we liked them and seeing them from nosebleeds was unacceptable so we found ourselves driving twelve hours round trip to see them in Kansas City a few weeks later. A few hundred dollars and we had seats five feet from the catwalk of the stage. It was awesome to be so close to the action and for fangirling to be so acceptable seeing as their general fan-base is a few years younger than Beth and I. We didn't care. We had fun and enthusiastically joined in on the "OMGJOEJUSTLOOKEDATME"s. In my case it was always "i-need-to-sit-down."

The Jonas Brothers drove around an autograph bus so Beth and I decided to leave a little Hanson love on it :)

When Hanson still hadn't released tour dates near the end of July, we decided to go to the Jonas Brother's last US date of their world tour which was in Cleveland, Ohio. We took four forms of transportation to get there the cheapest way without our parents knowing anything about it. We took an overnight megabus from Minneapolis to Chicago, a taxi and train to get from the bus stop to the airport in Chicago, flew to Cleveland, and took a taxi from the Cleveland airport to our hotel. When we finally got to the hotel I was so tired I considered (only for a millisecond) just sleeping and skipping the concert. Beth had won a meet & greet through the Jonas Brothers fan club so she was prepping herself for that as I was fixing my "ITS MY 21ST BIRTHDAY" tiara onto my head. It was a few days before my birthday but close enough for me, this was as good a way to celebrate as any! Side note- I don't remember the last birthday I had where I didn't have a tiara. It just a tradition and I don't know how or when it started but I like it.

Beth was a little relieved to find out that Nick Jonas was too sick to attend the meet and greet. Her favorite Jonas brother is Joe and Nick has always been intimidating, even back in his scrawny days.

All in all, Cleveland was a good experience for us. We learned a lot about public transportation, never to wear skinny jeans to a humid packed concert and Beth got her first picture with Joe Jonas. Oh and Kevin too.

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